Wednesday, 17 February 2021
I wish to pay tribute to a local elector of mine, Mr Paul Murray, who unfortunately passed away recently. He was a long-serving coach with the Hub Gymnastics Club in my electorate. For 23 years, Paul displayed a deep commitment to young people in our community to ensure that they were given every opportunity to grow their gymnastic skills. Paul had the ability to forge and nurture relations with leaders in his community, including myself, for the betterment of gymnastics in the south. I personally had the privilege of working with Paul and seeing firsthand his drive and passion. Together we fought long and hard to secure a home for the Hub Gymnastics Club. He never gave up. I was always struck by Paul’s high level of professionalism, his endless enthusiasm and his determination to get the job done. Paul has generously mentored the gymnastics community and young people in our area, as well as other coaches. This was recognised in 2013 by Gymnastics SA, who awarded him Coach of the Year.
I will miss working with Paul, and I know he will be sadly missed not only by the sporting community in the south but by the wider community. My thoughts are with his wife, Amanda, and his daughters, Emma, Lauren and Sarah. May he rest in peace. His contribution will not be forgotten.