Monday, 31 July 2023
Thursday 24th August 2023
4:00pm to 6:00pm
Location confirmed on RSVP
RSVP is essential
The Southern Suburbs Youth Roundtable is a direct communication avenue between young people in the south and Amanda as the local Federal representative.
The round table is a chance for young people from the southern suburbs to get involved and have their say about issues that interest or affect young people in our community.
Young people contribute their ideas at a local and national level, and at the same time develop their skills and discuss and share ideas with their peers.
Any young person aged 15 to 25 is invited to register their interest by Monday August 14th 2023 using the below registration form.
For any further information about this event, please contact Eloise in my office on ph: 08 8186 2588 or email [email protected].
Amanda looks forward to working with our community’s young leaders!