Tuesday, 12 February 2019
The petitions I have before me represent the over 1,000 local residents who have joined my fight to complete the coastal trail at Witton Bluff in my electorate. Witton Bluff, between Christies Beach and Port Noarlunga, remains one of the final sections of the Adelaide coastal trail to be completed. At the last federal election it was federal Labor who said, ‘We will fund this coastal trail.’ Of course, the Liberal Party has not matched that funding. At the state election campaign, state Labor said, ‘We will fund this project.’ Of course, the state Liberals won and will not fund this project. This is a disgrace.
This is such an important project to my local electorate, both for local residents and for tourism. It will, importantly, connect the Christies Beach and Port Noarlunga townships. As one respondent said, ‘It is a simple project and will bring tourism and investment to both Christies Beach and Port Noarlunga.’ Another commented on how the trail will greatly benefit traders on Beach Road and in Port Noarlunga. Another said: ‘We have lived interstate and we’ve seen what can be done connecting coastline and walking trails. It is for the benefit of the whole community and certainly an asset to tourism.’
State and federal Liberals need to listen to the residents in my electorate and fund this project. I will be lobbying the Labor Party to make sure we get funding for this project. It is important for our community.