Monday, 26 November 2018
Over my time as the member for Kingston, I have fought many fights to improve roads in our community, including the most recently-improved road, South Road, from Seaford to Aldinga. We will enjoy that road going all the way to Sellicks. Then there is the duplication of the Southern Expressway, a road, which, under the Liberal government, went one way and now it goes two ways. All residents in southern Adelaide deserve roads that cater to the needs of their community.
A local road that I believe urgently needs addressing is Commercial Road. Seaford is a fast-growing area in my electorate and home to many young families. The neighbouring suburb of Port Noarlunga is also a busy tourist destination. Commercial Road is the main arterial road that passes through both of these suburbs. Currently, it has one lane each way. Ask anyone who lives in Seaford or Port Noarlunga and they’ll tell you about the congestion along Commercial Road. You can often see cars banked up along the busy road, particularly during peak hour or when a community event is on. You also see many families and others trying to get out of their suburb to get to the next suburb, and they are just not able to do so. I believe that the state government must make the duplication of Commercial Road a priority, including the duplication of the Salt Creek Bridge. This is critically important to cater for the future needs of our community.