Tuesday, 01 September 2020
Ms RISHWORTH (Kingston) (16:00): Recycling and reusing are on the minds of many of my electors in the area of the southern suburbs of Adelaide. Of course it’s also on the minds of councils and the Southern Region Waste Resource Authority, who have a plan—since recycling is becoming more and more difficult overseas—to build a recycling facility right in the southern suburbs of Adelaide. Supported by the City of Onkaparinga, City of Marion and City of Holdfast Bay, this project will create 37 jobs and importantly not be just a facility for recycling material but also a facility that will reuse those materials for commercial outcomes.
This sounds like a great project. Therefore, I am deeply worried to hear that the state government and the state minister, Minister Speirs, who has previously said that recycling is good for jobs and good for the economy, are not willing to back this project. As a result, we’re seeing no investment from the Commonwealth government. The state and Commonwealth must sit down and work out how to make this project go ahead. This recycling facility will mean jobs and it will mean better environmental outcomes. The Prime Minister likes to talk about this. The state government likes to talk about this. But we are not seeing action on the ground. It’s time for those two governments to get together, work with the Cities of Onkaparinga, Marion and Holdfast Bay and deliver this project for the benefit of our environment and the benefit of jobs and our community. (Time expired)