Wednesday, 08 May 2019
A Shorten Labor Government will provide $20,000 towards the Sensory Learning Area at Hackham West R-7 School.
At this election there is a clear choice for voters: Labor’s commitment to invest in public schools, or the Liberals’ $14 billion cuts.
This new area will be a calming space to re-engage students who are struggling to settle into the mainstream learning environment.
The space will aim to improve learning outcomes and encourage students to develop a positive mindset towards their education.
Hackham West R-7 school has a total of 145 students, including 50 recognised as Indigenous and 35 recognised as having a disability.
This announcement is on top of the extra $220,000 Hackham West R-7 will receive for teaching and learning in the first three years of a Shorten Labor Government.
Schools across the electorate of Kingston will be $23.7 million better off under Labor.
Labor will invest an extra $14 billion into Australia’s public schools to give all children the opportunity to reach their full potential, no matter where they live, or how much their parents earn.
The extra funding will mean more individual attention for students, and more help with the basics such as reading, writing, maths and science.
After six years of Liberal cuts and chaos, our united Labor team is ready.