Investing In Our Community

Monday, 15 April 2024

Amanda is passionate about delivering high quality sporting and recreational infrastructure in our community. Quality facilities and outdoor spaces are one of the reasons the South is such a great place to live and work.

Amanda is proud to share that construction has begun on the Paul Murray Recreation Centre (Hub Gymnastics) in Happy Valley. The project received $1 million of Federal Government funding expand and upgrade the facilities. These works will help meet growing demand for gymnastics in our community as well as encourage more people to get involved in the sport.

Amanda recently attended the re-opening of the Mema Court Reserve, Hallett Cove. The upgrades, which were funded by the Federal Government in partnership with local council, installed nature-themed play equipment and improved recreation facilities. This will encourage children and families to enjoy the reserve. This project was an election commitment alongside upgrades to Hessing Crescent Reserve in Trott Park, which are currently underway.

Upgrades to the Wearing Street Precinct at Port Noarlunga, partly funded by the Federal Government, are nearing completion. The construction of purpose-built clubrooms and storage facilities will benefit the needs of our community, as well as support the Onkaparinga Canoe Club and South Port Surf Life Saving Club.

Noarlunga United Soccer Club, based at Morphett Vale, upgrades are almost complete. Funded by the Federal Government in collaboration with Council and State Government, this project will see improvements made to the carpark, a new access road built and two new unisex changerooms installed to encourage active lifestyles through participation in sport.

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