Delivering cheaper childcare for families

Legislation introduced into the Parliament - September 2022

From July 2023, the cheaper childcare subsidy will be availableand increased transparency measures for childcare fees will be established.

At the 2022 federal election, Labor promised to deliver cheaper child care.


While in opposition, Amanda was privileged as Shadow Minister for Early Childhood Education, to develop Labor’s plan to make childcare cheaper for 96% of families with children in care.


The Government is delivering this plan by introducing legislation into Parliament to lift the maximum childcare subsidy to 90% for the first child in care, and a suite of other changes.  Around 6,500 families in Kingston will benefit from these changes.


This legislation will make a real difference to family budgets.  A Family earning $120,000 with one child in centre-based day care three days a week will be more than $1,700 better off every year.


Amanda knows that improving access to early childhood education has long-term benefits for both children and parents.  Children will be able to access critical early learning and parents will be able to return to paid work earlier if they choose.


This reform will bring significant benefits for families and is in investment in women’s economic equality and in the broader Australian economy

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